How you can stay motivated while working and studying

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Finding the time and energy to prioritise learning is a challenge for anyone, but especially for those who are also working full-time. Despite these obstacles, upskilling and reskilling have become necessary for many employees.

This requires life-long learning, which is all about self-initiation and self-motivation. Motivation to study while working can be found externally, but it is more often the personal factors of development that are most encouraging. This article will explore what motivates learners, how your employer can help, and tips & tricks to stay engaged! 

Read more: Lifelong Learning: What It Is, Benefits and Habits | 

10 top factors that inspire people to learn 

Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons.

Where do life-long learners find their motivation to study while working? 

  1. Expanding knowledge for personal development
  2. A passion for the subject, and they want to explore
  3. Preparation for the future
  4. Feeling accomplished 
  5. Self-reflection 
  6. Setting goals 
  7. Inspiring trainers 
  8. Connecting with others 
  9. Fun challenges and interactive activities 
  10. Accreditation and incentives 

Read more: What Motivates Lifelong Learners ( 

What motivates you to continue learning? Let us know in the comments! 

How your employer can help with your development goals 

The role of the employer is an important one; they can be supportive by helping you realize your professional development goals. Your employer can also help you understand the trajectory of your career path and how you can reach your full potential. This is a big motivator that brings purpose and value to your development. Their support can bring motivation to study while working.

Regarding financial support and allowances, your employer can grant you the following options if you apply and attend courses related to your current position. 

  • A study leave (paid or unpaid) 
  • Reimbursement for course fees 
  • Flexible working hours 

Have you assigned yourself an extra course or training program while working? Are you having trouble finding the time or energy to complete assignments and to feel motivated? That is quite a normal experience to have, but fortunately, there are helpful tips & tricks that can keep you energized for your next lesson. 

Read more from our blog: How to choose the right training for your career

Study tips for working employees 

Plan, plan, plan 

  • Time management is difficult when you are juggling two responsibilities at once, one way to avoid extra stress is to schedule and plan out your time. Dividing your tasks into manageable study periods will help you feel prepared when deadlines or exams are approaching. 

Find a supportive network 

  • Support is key, you are not alone in this journey. Many others have been in your position or are also currently studying and working simultaneously. A supportive network can consist of your family, friends, colleagues, mentors, fellow students, or even an online group.  

Learn how, when, and where you are most efficient and productive 

  • Knowing your personal preferences can help you make the most out of your studying. Ask yourself, when do I feel most alert and productive? What environment is crucial for my concentration? How can I create a time and place to study consistently? 

Utilize any free time or multitask to get a quick study session in 

  • Whether it is your commute to work or standing in line, there will be moments throughout your week when you can squeeze in a quick review, watch a lecture, or speed read. Of course, it is important to mention that some tasks will need your full attention, but other things can be done while multitasking which will save you time. 

Do not forget to take breaks 

  • Taking a break is part of the studying process, allow yourself to recharge. Have a cup of tea with a family member, replenish your energy with a snack, or take time to do something that brings you joy. Breaks are crucial to your efficiency.  

Reward yourself 

  • Do not forget to celebrate your hard work and reward your diligence. You could get yourself a gift or organize a fun evening; whatever you choose to do, simply remember to appreciate your efforts and be proud of your accomplishments. 

Are you considering attending a training program or online course? Are you ready to explore learning & development opportunities with your team? Smelt Academy can be your solution. We offer a wide variety of curriculums, trainings, and courses for learners looking to further their knowledge in Pharma or the Life Sciences.  

Discover your options to learn with Smelt

UPCOMING: Smelt Academy’s two-day intensive Marketing Accelerator – an excellent curriculum for the ‘next generation’ of brand managers looking to make a difference in the Dutch pharma market.  

Read more >> Marketing Accelerator – Smelt Academy 


Smelt Academy | Online Modules

The online modules are suitable for newly hired talents as part of the onboarding program. The online modules can also be a good part of a team development strategy that includes knowledge of the NL healthcare market and, particularly, the financing of Dutch healthcare. We offer a wide variety so that there is always training that suits your position. 

Visit our website to discover all the possibilities at