How businesses can make end-of-year performance reviews more meaningful

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In a Forbes article, managers shared their best advice on how businesses can make end-of-year performance reviews more meaningful. We highlight a few:

➕ Actionable feedback: The feedback process should review the strengths and areas of improvement in the new year. Make sure to point out how your team can perform better by giving them actionable tips that they can use to improve their performance.

➕ Recap the past but focus on the future. Ask your employees what their aspirations are and learn what fuels your team.

➕ Two-way conversation: Do end-of-year performance reviews more like two-way conversations where both parties can share, discuss and find clear pathways to engage in the future.

➕ Ask your employees what they would like to learn in the year ahead. With this question, you can learn a lot about whether someone is interested in a promotion or moving to a new department.

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