Transagressive behaviour in the workplace

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Cross-border behaviour has been a hot topic lately.
What exactly should be understood as transgressive behaviour remains a difficult question. Where exactly does that boundary lie? Is `you look good today` a sincere compliment or is there a different meaning? There is no clear-cut definition for the concept, also – or perhaps precisely – because subjective elements seem to be involved alongside objective factors. So, what is a compliment for one person, can cause a very unpleasant feeling for another.
Smelt wants to draw extra attention to the payrollers, employees on secondment and independent interim professionals. To what extent do they feel safe to discuss transgressive behaviour and their experiences? Because this group is extra vulnerable since there is no permanent employment, it is essential to make this subject open for discussion and remove any uncertainty about it.
As of today, a new protocol has entered the Smelt workforce and we have also thoroughly reviewed the processes. Our confidants Iris Calmes (The Netherlands) and Ellen Meeusen (Belgium) raise the topic “I feel safe as a flexible worker with the client” in all interim evaluations. If you have experiences that you would like to share with us, or advice that we could benefit from, please do not hesitate to share them with us and contact our colleague Iris Calmes. Do you want to read more about the topic of cross-border behaviour in the workplace and how to prevent it: